Good chocolate, Good strawberries, Good attitude.

Close your next real estate transaction over chocolate-covered strawberries?  Don’t mind if I do. 

Whether you’re buying, selling or embarking on a new commercial or development venture, real estate transactions are fun and offer much to celebrate.

“Passion and gratitude are the two most important ingredients in my recipe,” says Jana.  

At Sterling Real Estate, celebrations over chocolate strawberries are a frequent pleasure, thanks to Founder Jana Potter.  Chocolate strawberries are her “thing” and she makes liberal use of some special ingredients to make them extra delicious.

“Passion and gratitude are the two most important ingredients in my recipe,” says Jana Potter.   “While I’m stirring the chocolate, it’s important to think positive affirmations and positive thoughts.  And those get mixed and folded into the chocolate as you stir.”

Not that the chocolate alone isn’t special enough.  Jana uses a three-chocolate blend of dark semi-sweet, milk chocolate and bittersweet chocolate. She buys it in 10-pound bricks.  

Jana even designed and built out her current office to accommodate her passion. She has a chocolate strawberry making station right behind her desk, so she can switch gears, and whip up a batch in a heartbeat.

How did it all begin?  She started making them as a teen in Southern California. Then offered them at Royal Treats, one of her first business ventures — an old fashioned candies, coffees and pastries shop on Main Street Park City opened in 1983.

Whether for business or pleasure, the chocolate strawberry making never stopped.  Neither has Jana’s desire to give to others by showing appreciation and gratitude.  For many years, Jana has spontaneously taken platters of her treats to city offices, the police department, fire stations,  the building & planning  departments in the Marsac building.  All to thank them for all that they do for the town.  That’s what loving people and Park City looks like in our sweet little town.